Mills River Seventh-day Adventist School

Turning Students into Spiritual Leaders


The Staff here at Mills River SDA School is excited for the possibility of you joining our school family.  There are four important goals we want each of you to be a part of while you attend this school:

  • We pray that each of you will grow in your love and service for Jesus.  We will do our best to help you see Jesus as not only our Creator, but also as your Redeemer.
  • We will work hard to prepare for you to be challenged academically.  God has blessed each of you with your own unique calling.  The teachers at our school take very seriously the responsibility of help you be as successful as possible in your academics so that you can better achieve your calling.
  • We believe that God has called us to be responsible for the tasks He gives us each day.  This means that we want you to do your best to take care of your responsibilities. Responsibilities like completing homework and projects, studying for tests and keeping your desk area clean are examples of ways you can be successful.  There is an even higher calling that God has for you though.  He wants you to be responsible for the wellbeing of those around you.  How can you help make sure that the students and school staff around you are being taken care of?  This is achieved best by taking time to pray and ask God to give you a heart of love.   
  • Lastly, we believe that school should be fun!  We want you to look back at your time here at Mills River SDA School and be glad that you were a part of our school family.  Blending your growing friendship with God together with learning and growing academically makes for a fun experience and memories.        
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